Epub Reader 10.4


  1. Epub Reader 10.4 Full
  2. Epub Reader 10.4 Download

Aldiko Book Reader. Aldiko Book Reader is one of the eBook reader apps that has been around for a long time. It’s also a great simple option for those who need it. It features support for EPUB, PDF, and Adobe DRM encrypted ebooks and ebook support for library books on rental. The app also comes with a clean, if somewhat antiquated interface. The common EPUB files that are popularly used by many other e-readers won't work on your Kindle. Some of the other formats that do work won't allow you to adjust things like the font size, making reading difficult. Fortunately, there are tons of quick and easy ways to convert any ebook format to be read on your Amazon Kindle. EPUB File Reader is a free EPUB files viewer, can help you to open and read ePub e-books and documents. The software interface consists of two parts, the left will show document chapter directory, the right is a browser to show document content. This software is easy to use very much, it is a freeware and completely free to use. This freely available eBook standard supports more hardware eBook readers than any other file format. EPUB 3.2 is the latest EPUB version. It supports the latest versions of HTML, CSS, and SVG, and has built-in support for embedded interactivity, audio, and video. An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices. Pdf ebook luajit epub reader kindle djvu. Lua AGPL-3.0 860 8,120 349 17 Updated 11 hours ago.

Most of the books we list can be read in an ordinary Web browser by people with normal vision and physical capabilities, and a reasonablyup-to-date computer.You may need special programs to read some of the books we list,either because you have special needs, or the digital formatsof the books have special requirements.


If you need assistance beyond what's given here, please don'thesitate to contact us (use the email address at the bottom of this page) .

Enlarging the type size

You can increase the type size for many of the online books that appearin your Web browser (if it's not a page image-based book, and doesn't requirea special plugin). In many browsers,there's a 'Text size' option under the View menu that lets you increaseor decrease the size. A commonly supported shortcut for changingfont size is to hold downthe Control key (or the Apple key on Macs) and either rotate yourmouse's scroll wheel (if it has one),or hit the '+' or '-' keys on your keyboard.(Thanks to reader Wanda for the tip on the mouse shortcut!)Check your browser's Help for more details.

Blind and handicapped readers

Blind and visually impaired readers may need special programsor devices to read online books. Here are a few useful resourcedirectories for such tools:

  • TheABLEDATA database is a currently updated general database of products for people with disabilities that includes information on assistive devices and software for reading.
  • TheNational Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped also has a listing ofdevices and softwarethat may be helpful for visually impaired readers. The list was last updated in 2001, so it might not have recent products listed in ABLEDATA. The NLS also has other digital book programs that may be of interest to blind and handicapped readers, including well-known audio and digitized titles that are not available to the general public.
  • See also Bookshare.org and the Open Library's Accessible book collection for lots of books in formats designed for blind and disabled readers. (A small subscription fee applies for Bookshare, but eligible readers get access to many books not otherwise available online, due to special exemptions in the copyright law. Newer books, limited to disabled readers, are also appearing gradually in the Open Library's accessible book collection.)

Special formats

Some of the formats used for online books may require special programsto read them. Here is a list of known programs for reading various formats.Please let me know of others, particularly ones that are freely available.


Caminova, the current maintainer of DjVu, makesa browser plugin for viewing DjVu images available free of chargefor Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.See this page fordetails. A noncommercial site for DjVu, including links to documentationand open-source DjVu software,can be found at DjVu.org.


The International Digital Publishing Forum'sEpub format for books is not natively readable in most web browsers, but can be read by a number of plugins and applications.Two free commercial Epub readers areAdobe Digital Editions (for Windows 2000 or later, or Mac OS X 1.4.10 or later),and LexCycle's Stanza (forWindows XP and above, Mac OS X 10.4.8 and above, Iphone, and Ipod Touch).For Linux, there's FBReader.The Wikpedia Epub page mentions additional Epub reader programs.


Some books we list are only available in the Flash format.The Adobe Flash playeris available for Windows 2000 or later, Mac OS 10.4 or later, andcertain newer Linux distributions. Flash is generally displayed withina Web browser.Some open source Flash display programs are also available from third parties.Certain Flash features might not be fully supported by third party programsor under Linux.

Users that want to see Flash selectively (for instance, to read booksinteractively but block intrusive Flash ads on other web sites) maywant to consider installing a browser plugin like NoScript or Flashblock,to prevent Flash from running except when the user wishes.

The Wikipediapage on Flashhas more information about Flash displayand management programs.

As with other proprietary formats, we generally only list titlesthat are not also legitimately available in open formats.

Frame-dependent HTML

Most graphical browsers, except for ones that are very oldor designed for specialized devices,can handle frames. Commonly used frame-capable browsersinclude Firefox, Opera,Chrome,Safari, andInternet Explorer.

However, text-based browsers and other browsers for special needsmay have a harder time with frames.Some, such as Lynx, can stilllet you navigate through framesets-- but might only showone frame at a time, making it easy to get lost in a frameset.

If you're thinking of putting a book online that uses frames,consider making it accessible to frameless browsers as well.This can often be done with very little extra effort, such as bymaking a link to a contents page in a <NOFRAMES> section.

GZipped files

Several programs are available on various platforms to unpack gzipped files.(Gzip is a format for compressing files, and typically produces filesending with the suffix .gz . It should not be confused with the 'zip'format, which is described further below.) For more information onthe format, and on software available to uncompress gzipped files, seethe gzip home page.


This is the standard format for Web pages, and should be readable in any Web browser (at least, as long asthe preparer of the online book followed Web standards.)Let me know of any booksdescribed as 'HTML' (without qualification) that are not readablein a commonly used browser. If you prefer reading larger type than you see on the screen for the book,most Web browsers will let you increase the sizeof HTML text. See the start of this page for details.

MS Reader

Microsoft has a a free program to read MS Reader (.lit) filesthat you can download forWindows machines. Some 'Pocket PC' computers also have MS Readersoftware built in. I am not aware of any software availablefor other platforms, and the file format specifications have notbeen published, so I tend to avoid listing MS Reader editionsand other proprietary formats,except for titles only available in such formats.10.4

Epub Reader 10.4 Full


Page Images

These are mostly GIF and JPEGs, which most graphical browsers can cope with.I'd like to hear about any formats used in online books that suchbrowsers can't already handle (and once I hear of them, I'd like to findout about programs to display them).

There is no practical way at present to use a text-based browser to read a book online stored as page images.


Readable by Adobe Reader (formerly known as Acrobat Reader), availablefor Mac, Windows, and many Unix machines. The latest versions of Ghostview can also displaymany PDF files.Mac OS X also comes with a 'Preview' program than can display most PDF files.On Unix, there's also xpdf.

Some PDF files (version 1.4 or later) may be incompatible with olderPDF viewers. If you can't read files marked 'PDF 1.4' (or other PDFfiles) you may need to upgrade to Adobe/Acrobat Reader 5 or later, ora newer version of other third-party PDF reading programs.

Adobe also provides a set of free tools to convert PDF documents intoHTML or ASCII text, which can be helpful for visually disabled readers.See this site formore information. (Note that these tools will not work on certain (verylarge) PDFs that consist only of scanned, un-OCR'd page images, sincethere's no encoded text to convert.)


Several programs can be used to view Postscript files, the best-knownbeing Ghostview, whichis available for all major computer systems.

Postscript is the language used by most modern printers, so in manycases you can print the content of Postscript files just by sending the filesto the printer(however this is done in your system).


Viewable through all Web browsers, but some browsers may run out of memoryon very large text files. For those, try downloading the text straightto your disk, and then view it using your favorite word processor.(Word processing programs can typically handle large files more gracefullythan Web browsers.)


Epub reader 10.4 downloadReadable with the TK3 Reader, available for Windows or Mac (OS 8.6 or later)as a free download. They do require an email address, but you can uncheck a 'notify me about relevant news' box. (They'll still send an acknowledgementof the download.) After you download the Reader, you immediately getsolicited to download a trial version of the Author program, but youdon't need that to read the books.As with other proprietary formats that don't have openly publishedspecifications, we tend to bypass listings for TK3 files in favorof listings for more open formats, when available.


Microsoft has a a free Word viewerthat you can download, forWindows 2000 or later.Word files are also viewable through the regular Microsoft Word program.

The free OpenOffice suite,available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, will also display many Word files.Some other word processing programs also provide convertersfrom Word to their internal formats, though they don't always workperfectly for all Word files.

As with other proprietary formats that don't have openly publishedspecifications, we tend to bypass listings for Word files in favor of listings for more open formats, when available.

Zipped files

Several programs are available on various platforms to unpack zip files,including WinZip (for Windows), Stuffit Expander (for Macs and Windows), andunzip (for Unix).

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Epub Reader 10.4 Download

Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebooks@pobox.upenn.edu)
OBP copyrights and licenses