Dresden Files Rpg Pdf

Bach cello suite 1. The Dresden Files RPG uses the FATE rule system and so the casefile can be used as a survivor horror thriller or a starting point for a larger Dresden Files RPG. Night Fears centres around the old Cranston house. That old haunted house which, if you managed to stay all night in, you’d be famous back at school. A note on Dresden Files Accelerated (RPG) Last week the newest addition to the Dresden Files RPG system was published, a standalone volume called DRESDEN FILES ACCELERATED, or DFA for short. As DFA's lead author, I wanted to be sure fans of the Dresden Files knew that we put a lot of work into making the book fun to read for people who aren't.

We’ll be collecting links to various downloads here as we release them. Enjoy!


  • City and Character Sheets for use in your game.
  • A shapeshifter character sheet.
  • A hunger stress character sheet.
  • Spellcasting record sheet.
  • Printable background-free quick reference sheets from the back of Your Story

Dresden Files RPG Cheat Sheet Using Conflicts Conflicts are scenes made up of exchanges. They are in Zones and have scene Aspects. Last until one group is Taken Out or Concedes. In any case, this review is about the newest book of The Dresden Files RPG series: The Paranet Papers. This book has been “in production” for quite some time now, so there’s been a good deal of hype; it was originally teased sometime within the first year of the game being released in 2010 (now I’m feeling old again).

Fiasco Playset

One-shot adventures

Sneak Peeks, Wallpapers, and Miscellany

Dresden Files Rpg Pdf
  • Nevermore. Dresden Files RPG preview
  • Harry Dresden’s character sheet. (Read more in our January 2010 Status Update)
  • The Baltimore chapter from The Dresden Files RPG: Your Story. All 39 pages of it: PDF Download (Approx 13MB) — you can save us a little bandwidth by downloading it from DriveThruRPG instead! (Read more in our late March sneak peek.)
  • If you’re looking for some swanky desktop wallpaper, check out our cover art post.
  • Check out the powers list from the game. Or, if you’re looking for that data to be organized differently, check out this post from Four-Color Criticism.

The Magnificent Rick Neal

Rick Neal has written a lot of good, in-depth stuff about the Dresden Files RPG. Here are links to his articles, all of them worth a read.

Power Level and Setting Creation

Character Creation



Dresden Files Rpg Pdf

General and Wide-Ranging Q&A

Not Specific to DFRPG, But Still Maybe Useful

Fan-Created Resources

Dresden Files Rpg Pdf Download

Hip2p client software. Please note, as these are fan pages, some links may not be active.

Dresden Files Rpg Pdf Trove

  • Reference sheets for our Spanish speaking players courtesy of Zonk/PJ – Demonio Sonriente
  • Two-sheet powers reference handout from Brian Sniffen
  • Spellcasting reference sheet from Chris Czerniak
  • Spellcasting reference sheets from Shawn Craig: Evocation Sheet and Thaumaturgy Sheet.
  • Adam McLaughlin’s form-fillable-ified sheets: Dresden files 2 Page, Dresden files 5 Page, City (Locations), City (High Level), City (Faces), Shape Shifter (2 Page), Hunger Track 2 Page, Spellcasting
  • Wraith808’s FATE Action Cards and Foldable Character Sheets
  • Adam Rinehart’s “Sleepy Hollow” DFRPG scenario for Halloween
  • ToonStore, an online resource for storing your character sheets