App For Watching Football Game Film Breakdown

In football and life in general, preparation is everything. Contrary to popular belief, 90% of a professional football player’s preparation occurs in the classroom and film room rather than on the practice field.

All-22 (ESPN3 and ESPN App): Watch the game the same way players and coaches study film, with a vantage point high above the field of play.The angle allows for the 22 players on the field to be. If your stats are in a notebook, your film lives on a hard drive, and your game plan is on a whiteboard - we’ve got an app for that! ScoreBreak leverages cloud-based technology to store all your game and practice film, layers in your live statistics, and allows access from any device, anywhere, at any time.

App For Watching Football Game Film Breakdown On Tv

Watching football films requires attention to detail on both scheme and technique. Opponents’ tendencies stem from consistent behavior that can be recognized on film.

This article will dive into how to teach players to invest in watching film and the benefits they can reap from it.

The Process of Watching Film

App for watching football game film breakdown online

Before looking at how to watch the film properly, it is important to get the athlete to invest in the process and understand its why. As touched on above, preparation is key to every aspect of life.

To effectively perform against an opponent, it is important to understand what they are doing and how they do it before stepping on the football field.

If we don’t understand what the opponent is running, the tendencies they put on film, and the opponent’s skill level, we are at a disadvantage from the opening kick-off. After the importance of film, the study is taught to the player; the player must know how to go about it properly.

The strategy we will examine is a minimum three view process. First, examine the overall result, down and distance, and type of play. Next, dive into the formation, personnel, and field position. In the final view, we will look at how the play relates to your specific assignment.

Why Do Football Coaches Watch Film

The why behind the how are a concept that can be applied to all areas of teaching and one that is especially important to film study. To fully engage an athlete, they need to know its importance in the grand scheme of things and how all of these pieces fit together.

Film study is an essential aspect of football, and that importance only grows as competition and level of play rise.

Learning the Opponent

The first reason to watch the film is to learn the opponent. An athlete can gain a great deal from looking at the specific opponents they will be facing on game day from an individual level.

For a center, what is the defensive tackle’s primary pass-rush move, do they have a high motor, do they give up have good pursuit when the ball is outside of their run fit?

For a receiver, does the corner like to press, is the weaker opening his hips one way as opposed to the other, and does he bite on double moves out of breaks? These ideas can be applied to any position and can put the player at an advantage from the opening whistle through the fourth quarter.

Preparing for Opponent Schematics and Tendencies

The second reason is to see what the opponent does schematically and philosophically as a whole. If the player can understand the style of play, tendencies of the opposing play-caller, and various cues learned from the film, this will be another advantage come game day.

  • Does the team use 21 personnel as their base as opposed to 10 and 11?
  • Are they an under center team or do they use a spread philosophy?
  • What are their red zone tendencies as well as tendencies from field and boundary situations?
  • How does play calling differ in the open down as opposed to when they get into 3rd down?

If the players know all of this information before the game, it will allow them to better combat what the opponent is throwing at them and understand the big picture as a whole.

Self Scout and Evaluation

Self-evaluation is the final piece to film study for a player. It is important to examine both the positives and negatives from a game or practice to understand what you are doing properly and what needs to be corrected. If we don’t learn from our mistakes and expand upon what we are doing at a high level, we are stunting our own growth.

Three View Process to Watching Film

Knowing why something is important is only half the battle. How to perform the task effectively and efficiently is the second part of the equation.

When it comes to film study, we will explore a minimum three view process of each play with different components to look for in each view. Of course, this is just the minimum to get necessary information out of the clip, and repeated examination will allow for better comprehension of the ideas at hand.

View One

When first viewing a play, examine the play at the surface level.

These basics include:

  • Play result,
  • Down and Distance
  • Play Type
  • Gain (+/-) on the Play

This is going just a little deeper than what the average fan would generally look at and gives the player time to take it in at a glance. This should give the player a general overview of the situation and what is happening to understand the details better.

View Two

The second view of the play has the player focusing on the deeper details of the play. Aspects can include:

  • Formation
  • Personnel
  • Relation to the field or boundary.

This allows the player to understand better what is happening in the play and its relation to the bigger picture. By looking at it through this lens, one can better develop an understanding of opponent tendencies and self-scouting these tendencies. There are benefits to understanding the situation for your own film, not just how it relates to preparing for an opponent.

View Three

The third view should focus on your individual opponent for game preparation and your individual assignment when reviewing your own film.

  • What is your job on this play?
  • Who are you reading or going up against in a one on one setting?
  • How is that opponent performing on this play?
  • What is their effort and technique?
  • How does their skill level compare to practice players and previous matchups?

This is where the player really puts all the pieces together and sees how this affects them on a given play. This lens might take a few views to comprehend what is happening in the play at hand.


An Example Of Watching Film

Here is a look at a clip from the Super Bowl and how a player might go about analyzing a play with the three-view process explained above.

Other Tips to Consider

Consider tracking the time spent by players watching the film. Applications like Hudl allow coaches to see who is actually watching the film and how much time they are investing in the process.

Encourage players to keep film notebooks to write down what they see and what they are getting out of. This is another form of reinforcement and allows them to reflect on what they’ve studied.

Emphasize the return on investment from watching the film. Show the positive correlation between time spent watching film and on-field performance. Most programs use grading systems, and a coach can show how an increase in film study translated to higher grade-outs.

Set scheduled times to watch the film as a team and encourage scheduled personal time to watch the film every day. As a team, have consistent days and times where you watch a film together, and position coaches can have players work into their daily schedules consistent times when they watch the film on their own to establish positive habits.

Remember that three views are not always what it takes for total comprehension, and this is the minimum to retain necessary information from the clip. Many times, there will be several viewings required to attain maximum retention.

Related Q & A

Why Should An Athlete Study Film?

The film is beneficial in many ways for any athlete at any level. Learning the opponent, preparing on a schematic level, and self-evaluation are all benefits of film study.

App For Watching Football Game Film Breakdown Online

What Process Is Effective For Watching Film?

The three view process is a great way to teach watching film. The first view focuses on the general play, the second examines the deeper details, and the third is geared toward the individual assignment.

What Are Services Available For Viewing Football Film?

Hudl and XOS are two popular film viewing interfaces that many teams purchase. They also allow for coaches to track viewing to see who is investing in film study.

What Is A Good Amount Of Time Spent Watching Film?

Different people require different amounts of time spent studying to retain information. The main goal is to promote consistent study habits that allow the athlete to get the most out of their time studying.


Now you can win more football games using ReplayLocker’s instant replay system! This turnkey system includes a simple & portable solution for filming, viewing, and wireless broadcasting -- even if you don’t have internet access at the time! Video coaching used to mean watching films after the game. Video coaching with ReplayLocker now means instant replay from multiple camera angles during the game, all in the palm of your hand, all entirely in your control. Yes, this winning advantage sounds unfair, but it’s now legal due to NFHS Football Rule Designed specifically for high school football coaches, but perfect for a wide range of sports, coaches can now make game adjustments in real-time, not just after the game. Get ReplayLocker, and get an instant advantage.

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Video from Camera One is typically available to watch on all connected devices within a couple of seconds of the end of the play! The video from Camera Two and the scoreboard cam starts arriving just seconds later. It’s incredibly fast.


ReplayLocker was designed to be simple to use and simple to setup. It’s so simple that you are just one cord away from wireless replay – the power cord. This portable solution offers easy Away Game replays, fewer headaches for the Coach, and, simply put, reliable replay coaching anywhere.

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Can you imagine watching that last tricky play just seconds later, in slow-mo and reverse... and from two camera angles and a scoreboard view, all perfectly in sync and on one screen? It’s revolutionary. Watch both angles at once, or one at a time, and prepare to see high school football in an entirely new way.

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One camera up high to capture the formations. One taking closeups. One on the scoreboard. With this powerful wireless solution, whether roaming the sidelines or stationary, your camera teams can film from virtually anywhere.
Up to three cameras, with zero cables, and zero worries.


Instant video replay means forward playback, reverse playback, slow-motion, scrubbing, freezing, and the ability to jump between a one camera closeup, or three camera views playing in perfect sync. ReplayLocker’s intuitive controls put the power in your hands to see the play exactly the way you want to see it.

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Our instant replay solution allows you to connect as many viewing devices as you want for offense, defense, and special teams. And ReplayLocker’s instant replay solution is built and tested to support football coaching with rock solid hardware and software. Come rain or shine, you’ve got the instant replay advantage.

Setup, record, and review plays with ReplayLocker.','source':'

Setup, record, and review plays with ReplayLocker.

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Coaches are using ReplayLocker to change the way they interact with players, practice and ultimately win games.



Coaches are using ReplayLocker to change the way they interact with players, practice and ultimately win games.

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ABC News reports on Replay Locker used by California State Football Champion!



ABC News reports on Replay Locker used by California State Football Champion!

Your QB just got sacked... again. Although you’ve studied the rival football team, you’re still losing. But you have a trick up your sleeve.

From the sidelines, you reach for your ReplayLocker iPad and scrub forward and backward through the last play, which was just seconds ago. You are looking at three different angles, and notice a hole in your offensive line from above. You double-click on the side-camera, and see that your center keeps defending too far to the left, and your line doesn’t shift to cover. You grab the line, show them the play from two different angles, and they get it, instantly. Your offensive line adjusts on the spot, and the sacks stop! In the following plays, you use ReplayLocker to outsmart their defense, and you’re on your way to an entirely fair advantage over your rivals. (Remember, NFHS Rule says this instant replay advantage is legal!) High school football coaching has never been so fun!

But wait... you don’t have ReplayLocker yet. Yes, you still discover the problem with your defensive line. Only, you’ll discover it tomorrow while watching the films, after you have already lost the game.

Here’s how it works, in 3 simple steps:

  1. Filming: Two of your crew uses wireless video cameras to film from wherever they are permitted to film the high school football (or other sport) game and another iPad films the scoreboard.
  2. Transmitting: One of your crew marks the start and end of a play, and can mark it as offense, defense, or special teams. When the play is over, the ReplayLocker Server automatically distributes the output from each camera to as many viewing devices as you allow. And you don’t even need an internet connection.
  3. Instant Replay: In as little as 2 seconds after the play, your replays pop up on your viewing iPad or iPhone. Your entire coaching staff can immediately study the play from multiple angles.

See the difference in your coaching using instant replay to win this game — and the next.

Better insight, training and high school coaching

Once a play is captured, you can watch all three cameras at once, almost magically in sync. You can zoom in to see just one camera. You can scrub back & forth to see that tackle as many times as you want. ReplayLocker integrates film study into your practices and games without disrupting the high energy rhythm of game time.

With high school football instant replay, you can make on-field decisions that will not only make you a better coach, but will make coaching more fun.

Luke Jones is a great running back, but he can’t pass protect. After three straight sacks against a rusher in practice, you pull Luke aside. By the time he reaches you, your ReplayLocker iPad has video of all three sacks from two different field views.

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You show him the footage, pointing out how he takes poor angles allowing the linebacker a straight shot at the quarterback. Luke’s eyes light up and on the next play he pancakes the linebacker, giving the quarterback time to throw a perfect touchdown pass.

Immediately show your football players footage during practice to correct technique within seconds, anywhere on the field, anytime.

After two sacks and an incomplete pass, your offense hustles off the field for a timeout on fourth down. All the position coaches pull out their ReplayLocker iPads. Before the players reach the sideline each play of the series is available from two perfectly time-synchronized camera angles across the field.

App For Watching Football Game Film Breakdown 2017

The O-line coach reviews the next blocking scheme. The receivers coach shows the best approach to create separation in man coverage. The quarterback is shown when to step up into the pocket to create more time, and the offensive coordinator devises a stop-and-go route to open up the play.

Outsmart your opponents with your ReplayLocker system by making mid-game strategy adjustments with instant video replay.