Microsoft Updates Available Notification On

Microsoft Updates Available Notification On

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  2. Microsoft Updates Available Notification On Facebook

This is very annoying. Here is how you can get rid of the 'Updates are available' popup in Windows 10. The popup appears when Windows Update is set to notify only. This option can be set in Enterprise editions of Windows 10 or using Winaero Tweaker. This fullscreen modal popup is a new kind of system notification in Windows 10. If you don't want to receive notifications when a restart is required to apply updates, Windows 10 includes at least two ways to disable this feature using the Windows Update settings or the Local.

In Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, we know that having your device ready for use at all time is very important. We have many features to help you maximize control over your devices' update notifications to ensure that you can plan and ahead and control when updates can occur. Below are some common recommended configuration settings. Consider whether each individual configuration setting applies to your device scenario.


Control UI notifications from the Windows Update client

A device can be configured in a way to hide the UI experience for Windows Update while letting the service itself run in the background and update the system. The Windows Update client still honors the policies set for configuring Automatic Updates, this policy controls the UI portion of that experience.

  1. Open the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and navigate to Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows UpdateDisplay options for update notifications
  2. Set the policy to Enabled.
  3. Specify the update notifications display options to 1 or 2.


Set the value to 1 to hide all notifications except restart warnings, or to 2 to hide all notifications, including restart warnings.

Disable access to the Windows Update user experience

In some scenarios, configuring Automatic Updates isn't enough to preserve a desired device experience. For example, an end-user may still have access to the Windows Update settings, which would allow manual updates via Windows Update. You can configure Group policy to prohibit access to Windows Update through settings.

To prohibit access to Windows update:

Microsoft Updates Available Notification On Android

  1. Open the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and navigate to Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows updateRemove access to use all Windows update features.
  2. Set this policy to Enabled to prevent the 'Check for updates' option for users. Note: Any background update scans, downloads, and installations will continue to work as configured. This policy simply prevents the user from accessing the manual check through settings. Use the steps in the previous section to also disable scans, downloads, and installations.


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Be sure to have a well-designed servicing strategy for your device. Disabling Windows Update capabilities leaves the device in a vulnerable state if your device isn't getting updates in another way.

Additional Resources

This script, will examine the machine it is running on and send an email report of all the windows updates that are available for installation.

The script sends e-mail notifications providing details of which Windows Updates are available for installation. You can choose which of the five patch levels will trigger an e-mail alert:

  • Critical
  • Important
  • Moderate
  • Low
  • Unclassified

I would suggest that you at least choose Critical, Important and Unclassified. For some reason Microsoft do not mark all updates with a severity, but the “Unclassified” category seems to contain a lot of what I would consider to be important updates. My thanks to one of the guys that commented for pointing this out.

If there are no outstanding patches at the appropriate alert levels to be installed then the script will quit without sending an e-mail.

The script can be run manually or as a scheduled task. The report includes links to the relevant KB articles and further information made available by Microsoft.

Windows update email notification script configuration

The script is very quick to setup and the most complicated part will likely be your SMTP configuration. At the top of the script you will see a number of variables:

Windows Update Alert Levels

First of all you should configure what severity of Windows update will trigger an email alert. These range from critical to low. Setting each value to 1 or 0 will enable or disable alerts for that category. As mentioned above some updates do not have any severity assigned. These seem to be things like Windows Defender definitions or updates to the malicious software removal tool.

I would recommend at least having Critical, Import and and Unclassified set to 1.

Configure email settings

Microsoft updates available notification on mac

Next you need to configure your SMTP settings:


If you leave the SMTP server empty, the script will attempt to use the local machine to send the email. I suspect most people will use an internal or external relay, so configure it as per your environment. You can use SMTP over SSL by setting the SMTP_UseSSL variable to 1.

Testing Windows Updates Notification Emails

  1. Download the Script:
    Windows Update Email Notification Script
  2. Extract the contents to a folder on your server and then setup the variables to suit your preferences and environment
  3. Test the script
    1. Go into a command prompt
    2. Change directory to the location where you saved the script.
    3. Run:
      cscript winupdates.vbs
    4. Check your email

Once you are happy that the script is reporting correctly, setup a Windows Scheduled Task to do this automatically. Assuming an installation directory of “c:scripts” the scheduled task command should look something like this:

C:WINDOWSsystem32cscript.exe c:scriptswinupdates.vbs

The script uses the Windows Update Agent API Com interface, which is quite interesting in itself.

Sample Email Configurations

I originally wrote this script in 2007 and noticed a lot of people were still downloading and using it. So this evening (December 2019), while my wife was at her work Christmas party I decided to see if it still worked and address some of the points made in the comments. I didn’t have a huge amount of time to spend on it, but found time to clean up the code a bit, enhanced the email options and added the functionality to include updates that do not have any severity assigned. It was tested by me on Windows 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019 and they all worked!

I am glad people are still fining it useful more than 10 years after I wrote the original version!