Archicad Construction Grid

The Update 8002 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 21.

To activate the Grid Snap function, do one of the following:. Use the Alt+S Shortcut. Select Snap Grid or Construction Grid from View Grid Snap Options. Use the View Grid Snap menu command. The Snap function will use the last grid type used, either Construction or Snap grid. This video explains how Grid elements can be set to adjust automatically according to the Section / Elevation / Interior Elevations vertical range in ArchiCA. If your model is feeling laggy or sluggish, especially in 3D, it may be due to a high number of polygons in the model and on-screen. For example, when navigating in 3D, there is a drop of frames (image stutters).This article can help you to identify, prevent and reduce polygons in your model, and have. In Archicad there are two different kinds of grid systems that help you while modeling and drawing. The Construction GridThe Snap.

  • 251538 CRASH: A short segment created by the railing tool crashed Archicad.
  • 236618 CRASH: Archicad crashed on some iMac computers when entering full screen.
  • 252150 CRASH: Archicad crashed when a sheet index contained a “Part of Current Issue” criteria and the project did not have an issue yet.
  • 249212 CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed when favorites were requested in Grasshopper through the Archicad-Grasshopper Connection add-on.
  • 246781 CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed when hotlinks with parametric profiles were updated.
  • 259532 CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed when processing railings with geometries modified by other objects.
  • 253592 CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed when publishing a DWG with Autotext data.
  • 254168 CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed when trying to import an XML file back from Excel.
  • 247927 CRASH: Some edges created by GDL objects crashed Archicad in 3D view.
  • 252388 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad crashed when a view with a fill that had been part of a consolidation was placed on a layout.
  • 247870 DOCUMENT: Autotext labels referenced properties based on their Globally Unique IDs. This led to empty labels, if user created properties were imported into and used in another project.
  • 257660 DOCUMENT: Semi-transparent images were printed darker than they were on the screen.
  • 246031 DOCUMENT: The pen set changed to all black randomly.
  • 252694 DOCUMENT: The two-point perspective viewpoint changed after rebuilding or reopening.
  • 235837 DOCUMENT: The width parameter in schedules was displayed in the wrong format and with the wrong units.
  • 251224 EDIT/CRASH: The modification of the ID of Skylights in the Settings dialog caused a crash.
  • 253400 EDIT: If the Find&Select palette was open, objects that referenced zones had slow parameter transfer.
  • 247854 EDIT: Search functions did not work with double-byte characters in JPN version of Archicad.
  • 253335 FILE/DWG/EXPORT/CRASH: A self-referencing XREF crashed Archicad.
  • 255593 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: An imported DWG file with images, when exported from Archicad lost its images.
  • 258074 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: Graphical overrides made line thicknesses the same in the exported DWG.
  • 240071 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: Objects did not convert to blocks with ‘convert complex objects to blocks’ translator setting.
  • 258859 FILE/DWG/IMPORT/DOCUMENT: Attribute definitions were not displayed from AutoCAD blocks, if they were not translated as library parts.
  • 253898 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: “Import Blocks from DXF/DWG” was not working in Archicad 21 and 22.
  • 246757 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Text with annotative style was missing from imported DWG files.
  • 259302 FILE/IFC/IMPORT/MODEL: IFC import sometimes gave incorrect size information to objects.
  • 254418 FILE/OPEN/GDL/FREEZE: The GDL interpreter incorrectly processed Unicode characters.
  • 244754 FILE/OPEN: Previously saved witness lines settings of doors in a schedule switched back to their default settings after reopening the file.
  • 238800 FILE/PDF/EXPORT: Dense fills caused memory leaks during PDF export.
  • 254782 FREEZE: The snap guide was not equipped to handle more than 100 hotspots in one close region.
  • 146925 GOODIES: Accessory element were placed as existing although the new status was chosen on the Renovation palette.
  • 255843 MODEL/MEP/FREEZE: Several MEP objects, like the pipe bend were not optimized for 3D navigation. They relied too heavily on the parameter script.
  • 255123 MODEL: On macOS occasionally section/elevations had to be regenerated to return elements that had disappeared.
  • 250924 MODEL: Section/Elevation markers sometimes did not link properly to views or unlinked at a later date.
  • 254446 MODEL: The Magic Wand was not able to select complete polylines from the trace.
  • 238603 MODEL: The mirroring of a railing did not consider its offset.
  • 255459 SPEED: Saving complex railing in a DWG file was slow.
  • 250648 TEAMWORK/CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed during Send & Receive in a project that contained external drawings.
  • 256446 TEAMWORK/MODEL/HOTLINK: Railings sometimes lost balusters, if they were hotlinked from a Teamwork project.
  • 249309 TEAMWORK/MODEL: A PLN/PLA saved from a teamwork project had its railings significantly offset from their originally placed positions.
  • 248736 TEAMWORK: No warning text appeared after opening a Teamwork file which had been previously packed by Travel Pack.
  • 256211 TEAMWORK: Reservation palette sometimes was slow to respond.
  • 245547 USER INTERFACE: The 3D texture alignment was not greyed out when the function was not available.
Archicad construction grid display

This package contains the fixes and improvements of the previous Updates as well.

The Update 7000 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 21.

  • 236940 CRASH: Archicad crashed on random operations with a project that had corrupt drawing data.
  • 245458 CRASH: Archicad crashed when opening Attribute Manager with data with invalid add-on data.
  • 243462 CRASH: Archicad crashed when starting the area calculation.
  • 243376 CRASH: Archicad crashed while publishing module with invalid IFC property data.
  • 240954 CRASH: Archicad crashed while publishing some PDFs with elements that link to themselves.
  • 247734 CRASH: Archicad created invalid data if volume summaries were used in schedules. This invalid data crashed Archicad.
  • 245587 CRASH: In some cases, Archicad crashed while creating a support package.
  • 245602 CRASH: Languages that regularly use non-ASCII characters, such as Russian, had text strings that when converted to the recently implemented UTF8 character encoding could be longer than the allotted space for them causing Archicad to crash during a merge process of a layout. Until the next Archicad version these long text strings will be truncated to prevent crashing Archicad.
  • 240916 CRASH: Some projects with legacy IFC 2×0 data crashed Archicad 21 or 22 during migration.
  • 245381 DOCUMENT: Doors’ “to/from Zone” parameters in schedules could display inconsistent values when doors were inside the Zone.
  • 242069 DOCUMENT: Elevation dimension was different in the old version of Archicad and the new one.
  • 239636 DOCUMENT: Formatting of area values with square feet was not correct in the Schedule, if the chart was placed on the Layout.
  • 240419 DOCUMENT: Graphic Override rules did not work for Story Level lines, if a worksheet was created from the section and placed on a Layout.
  • 245010 DOCUMENT: If an element could not be classified other classifiable elements were left unclassified while migrating an Archicad 20 PLN.
  • 234424 DOCUMENT: Manually added annotations sometimes disappeared from the schedule after updating the hotlinked module.
  • 241491 DOCUMENT: Performance of Property and Classification evaluation has been increased.
  • 242305 DOCUMENT: Rendered view differed from the zoom value of the 3D Window.
  • 241088 DOCUMENT: Subtotal values of the Skin/Component Volume was incorrect in the Schedule.
  • 244126 DOCUMENT: Sun Study and Sun position yielded different result due to the daylight savings time setting.
  • 236619 DOCUMENT: The contents of a printed marquee region or saved region to PDF from a layout was not reliably limited to the marquee region.
  • 238900 DOCUMENT: The Drawing of the Interior Elevation disappeared after updating it on a Layout, if the Interior Elevation was open in a different tab.
  • 241461 DOCUMENT: The length of toprail end was incorrect in the schedule.
  • 244745 DOCUMENT: The Marked Distant effect didn’t work properly.
  • 247776 DOCUMENT: When Story Level Markers on Section or Elevation were turned off, level dimension chains placed on story level lines were created with duplicated dimension markers and texts.
  • 241212 DOCUMENT/CRASH: For some projects Archicad crashed while updating a drawing that was open in a different tab.
  • 248802 DOCUMENT/CRASH: If an Interactive Element Schedule included missing criteria, replacing a line type in Attribute Manager resulted in crash.
  • 246717 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Some railings caused the door schedule to crash.
  • 247645 DOCUMENT/OPEN/SPEED: The refresh of object screen representations (object icons) was not optimized; this contributed to performance issues with large projects.
  • 239520 DOCUMENT/SPEED: The Schedule submitted non GDL objects to an unnecessary test often doubling its response time.
  • 246024 DOCUMENTATION: Render of 3D axonometry zoomed out during rendering.
  • 238360 EDIT: A fill that overlapped a circle rotated on its own axis could not be used to correctly cut the circle.
  • 250265 EDIT: A level dimension was deleted when Search and Replace found matching text in it.
  • 242567 EDIT: Changing the ID with Element ID Manager modified other settings of the Railing.
  • 240430 EDIT: Layer Combination in Quick Options and drawing window remained “Custom” if layers were added via XRef-ing or via direct import of DXF/DWG files.
  • 244942 EDIT: Reset Renovation Status did not work for openings.
  • 237001 EDIT: The groupings were broken when copying new or demolition elements from one story to another.
  • 232341 EDIT: The Pick Path Before Input setting in the Multiply function did not remember the user’s choice upon closing Archicad.
  • 242359 EDIT: When the orientation of the source of a drawing on a layout was not 0°, the change manager became bigger.
  • 243061 EDIT/CRASH: A curtain wall object crashed Archicad instead of robustly addressing corrupt data.
  • 246304 EDIT/MODEL: A change of the Section Status affected the Cut Fill of New Elements, if the New Element’s Renovation Filter was overridden.
  • 238860 EDIT/MODEL: Contour lines in the 3D Document disappeared when the camera angle or sun position was changed.
  • 234403 EDIT/MODEL: The boundary of a spiral stair could reset after deleting a finish.
  • 240102 EDIT/SPEED: On big projects the Magic Wand tool took long time to find the correct polygon.
  • 238257 FILE/3DM: With Polycount palette, opening objects list crashed due to high object count.
  • 242029 FILE/BIMx/EXPORT: Surfaces looked incorrect in BIMx if they had long names or used national characters.
  • 240437 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: ‘Save elements on : Visible layers only’ export did not hide label elements in the DWG export that were on Archicad hidden layers.
  • 211530 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: Fills might have been different in the exported DWG.
  • 226484 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: Overridden Building Material Fills could fail to export to DWG.
  • 212825 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: DWG import failed when the file contained quotation marks in text.
  • 232941 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Imported DWG blocks with parameters using national characters were displayed only with a dot after migrating the project from Archicad 20 to 21.
  • 242912 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Multi-column texts were not handled properly in imported DWG.
  • 248768 FILE/EXPORT/BIMx: Surfaces with names longer than 31 bytes exported incorrectly to BIMx.
  • 245613 FILE/EXPORT/CRASH: Add-ons that used the Archicad API function ACAPI_Element_GetVisualOverriddenImage crashed.
  • 239993 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: The visibility of an object was not examined when exporting to IFC from the 3D Window using the option Showing Elements Only Inside the Marquee.
  • 248638 FILE/IFC/EXPORT/EDIT: After applying SEO on profiled sheet 21, the object is not visible in the IFC export.
  • 237283 FILE/IFC/EXPORT/EDIT: Intersections of walls and slabs did not export, if the slab had a void in it.
  • 246949 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: IFC import crashed for some projects that contained slab opening cuts which were as large as the entire slab polygon.
  • 245689 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Some imported IFC beams were not trimmed correctly.
  • 232333 FILE/IFC/MODEL: Curved walls imported from IFC had incorrect reference line and composite offset calculations.
  • 245574 FILE/OPEN: A project containing a certain property definition that was acceptable to Archicad 20 could not be migrated to Archicad 21.
  • 244881 FILE/OPEN/CRASH: Some projects saved back to Archicad 20 from newer versions could not be opened in Archicad 21 or later.
  • 246098 FILE/OPEN/FREEZE: Archicad start-up took more than a minute, if CineRender start-up was delayed due slow operating system calls.
  • 244531 FILE/PDF/IMPORT: PDFs with bad layer references could not be exploded in 2D window.
  • 239349 FILE/PMK: An external drawing placed in a detail did not refresh correctly. Often a layouts using this type of detail was empty until a manual update was run.
  • 245513 FILE/SAVE/CRASH: With some legacy hotlink project data Archicad crashed on close.
  • 245120 FILE/SAVE/DOCUMENT: If the path of the file contained double byte characters, it was not possible to save it as .EPX.
  • 245525 FILE/SAVE/IFC/HOTLINK: File could not be saved back to Archicad 20 if an IFC file was hotlinked.
  • 234951 FILE/XML/EXPORT: Railing related Model View Options exported incorrectly into XML.
  • 246293 GDL: If a project was migrated from Archicad 20 to 21, the opening direction of some windows reversed.
  • 240928 GDL: UI_RADIOBUTTON command returned an error when used with array parameters.
  • 248355 HOTLINK/CRASH: Railing modifications crashed Archicad during the Hotlink update process.
  • 246114 HOTLINK/CRASH: Third party add-on modifications crashed Archicad during the Hotlink update process.
  • 239712 HOTLINK/CRASH/Archicad The Hotlinked Module criteria for the Find tool crashed Archicad when used in conjunction with Pick up Parameters or the Copy settings button.
  • 239955 MODEL: 2D view of railing connections were incorrect, even though in 3D it was correct.
  • 242755 MODEL: A railing sometimes corrupted zooming and panning in the 3D view.
  • 249265 MODEL: Archicad was unable to import/export attributes correctly that contained add-on data.
  • 239342 MODEL: Beam Support wasn’t created properly, if the last step of the stair was not a full step.
  • 241116 MODEL: Complex Profile pens could become random in Floor Plan and Section.
  • 235614 MODEL: Ex-finishing add-on did not robustly select stairs and railings for creating finish.
  • 244401 MODEL: If some handrails were present in the model, the 3D perspective view only showed a blank screen.
  • 238604 MODEL: Railing 2D representation was not correct when it was mirrored.
  • 238076 MODEL: Railing end corner contours sometimes disappeared in elevations.
  • 236900 MODEL: Shadows in 3D documents were created for a location that had the specified longitude/latitude values switched.
  • 248586 MODEL: Single Floor Marquee operation affected the elements on other floors.
  • 239997 MODEL: Slanted risers’ distance included tread thickness even though the finish was off.
  • 242467 MODEL: Some curved rail ends had different 2D and 3D representations.
  • 238870 MODEL: Stair couldn’t have a 90 degree turn if landing and stair width were equal.
  • 246856 MODEL: When a stair’s flight and landing had tread gaps of different size, connection between flight and landing was incorrect.
  • 232352 MODEL: Window dimensions were always zero on the preview picture.
  • 240350 MODEL: Wrong representation of Curtain Wall panel was shown in section view.
  • 242700 MODEL: Zone-Curtain Wall connection caused slowness in 3D.
  • 231189 MODEL/CRASH: Dimensioning merged .STL files could cause crash in certain circumstances.
  • 250512 MODEL/CRASH: If a railing of certain geometry was reloaded, Archicad crashed.
  • 240825 MODEL/FREEZE: Complicated Morphs with overlapping edges froze Archicad when moved in the 3D window.
  • 239628 MODEL/SPEED: The switch to 3D view was unnecessarily slow due to curtain walls.
  • 240906 SPEED: Trace performance was poor, if many renovation filters were in use.
  • 235099 TEAMWORK: In some cases, the Release All command did not release all reserved elements.
  • 241767 TEAMWORK: Successive placement of XREFs led to a Send & Receive error.
  • 241046 TEAMWORK/EDIT/CRASH: Archicad crashed after Receive, if a modeling element like a wall was deleted from a previously deleted and undone Section.
  • 242663 TEAMWORK/HOTLINK: In some cases, a Send & Receive error occurred, if the Hotlink Manager was reserved by another user.
  • 243281 USER INTERFACE: 3D position value did not refresh on the user interface, if a grid was moved in the 3D window.
  • 240960 USER INTERFACE: Attribute names could appear underlined inside Attribute Manager in offline projects.
  • 239209 USER INTERFACE: Stairs 3D preview model was incorrect if the stair was on a negative floor and toplink connected to the 0. floor.
  • 244566 USER INTERFACE: There was a cosmetic display issue on macOS in the Index Settings of Project indexes.
  • 246855 USER INTERFACE/EDIT/SPEED: Slow performance with cursor operations was a result of the snap point option setting “Between Intersection Points.”
  • 241284 USER INTERFACE/FREEZE: Archicad froze during layer deletion, for projects with more than two renovation filters that incorporated a high variety of layer combinations and junction number settings.
ConstructionArchicad Construction Grid

This package contains the fixes and improvements of the previous Updates as well.

The Update 6013 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 21.

  • 240314 BIMcloud/BIM Server: The critical.log was not created in some circumstances.
  • 233926 BIMcloud/TEAMWORK/HOTLINK: Hotlink update incorrectly addressed Hotlink source story modifications.
  • 231168 BIMcloud: It was not possible to disconnect from a BIMcloud Manager a BIMcloud Server that was not accessible.
  • 233926 BIMcloud/TEAMWORK/HOTLINK: Hotlink update was giving a Teamwork error message when using the host file, if another user was deleting the source file.
  • 237662 CRASH: Search and Replace crashed with certain Japanese character strings.
  • 235560 CRASH: Archicad could crash when switching from one story to another.
  • 235695 CRASH: Archicad crashed in certain circumstances when using the mark-up tool.
  • 229789 CRASH: Archicad crashed while switching to 3D because of corrupted stairs.
  • 235422 CRASH: Archicad did not robustly handle some room boundaries.
  • 237127 CRASH: Archicad did not test IFC files for adherence to the standard before trying to open them, and crashed with poorly made IFC files.
  • 242531 CRASH: The grid tool incorrectly handled multi-byte characters in one of its settings dialogs.
  • 235032 CRASH: The PolyCount could fail to calculate the polygons of stairs and occasionally it crashed.
  • 229129 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad crashed when certain views were placed on the layout.
  • 238944 DOCUMENT/HOTLINK: The Door/Window Stamp placed in the module file did not show the properties in the host file.
  • 235765 DOCUMENT: An object belonging to more than one Zone with each Zone having a different Renovation status could report an incorrect related Zone number and name in a schedule.
  • 239263 DOCUMENT: Archicad could crash when publishing empty PDF files.
  • 234196 DOCUMENT: Dimensions were sometimes temporarily lost on the Floor Plan when switching to Section/Elevation and back.
  • 233995 DOCUMENT: Doors were not considered to belong to a zone, if they were inside it, not on its edge.
  • 236332 DOCUMENT: Elevation Dimension Text Alignment worked incorrectly with multiline texts.
  • 232545 DOCUMENT: Graphic Override rules did not work on the Layout for Texts and Labels placed on the Section/Elevation.
  • 241425 DOCUMENT: High resolution textures crashed renders with the internal engine.
  • 239015 DOCUMENT: Importing of the Schedule Scheme did not work correctly with user-made Option Set type Property as Criteria.
  • 235715 DOCUMENT: In certain situations, Surface Schedules could report incorrect Surface Areas for Walls with Corner Windows.
  • 239117 DOCUMENT: Interactive Schedules could give false values for the components of multiplane roofs.
  • 237507 DOCUMENT: On the Mac platform only, the layout grid combined with large scale text caused Archicad to crash.
  • 238306 DOCUMENT: Some railing geometries prevented placement to layout of a View containing them.
  • 236977 DOCUMENT: The Graphic Override rules to Line Type did not work for Text Frame on the Layout.
  • 239114 DOCUMENT: The order of the items could be wrong in the Lists.
  • 235093 DOCUMENT: The pen set in use when views were created from schedules were not saved into their respective views, which later led to inconsistencies when these views were placed on layouts.
  • 236162 DOCUMENT: The renovation filter was not handled correctly with Labels originating from views on layout.
  • 237083 EDIT/MODEL: Railings end component disappeared in edit-mode.
  • 236349 EDIT/SECTION: When the section line was stretched in a plan view or in a section view, 3D information disappeared in the visible part of the section.
  • 236784 EDIT/USER INTERFACE: Stair solver had a miniature preview occasionally when editing steep stairs.
  • 234787 EDIT: 2d drafting tool polygon addition and subtraction methods failed with manual input of offsets.
  • 238867 EDIT: A Stair’s Break Mark was not present with a negative bottom offset.
  • 237899 EDIT: A mirrored dimension with custom text did not display the custom text.
  • 235528 EDIT: In some combination of the Renovation Filter, the elements with To Be Demolished or New status were not visible on the Trace.
  • 236249 EDIT: Objects didn’t respect the location of the selected Anchor point.
  • 236134 EDIT: Stairs and Railings were not selected after undoing a drag-a-copy command.
  • 237431 EDIT: Stairs with” horizontal connection with bearing nibs” had incorrect offset if the “cx” value was higher than “dx”.
  • 236465 EDIT: The copy operation performance needed improvement.
  • 235832 EDIT: The offset of Stair Stringers could increase randomly when the stringers were edited.
  • 242803 EDIT: The Split Tool corrupted some openings if there were both Windows and Doors in the wall.
  • 236892 EDIT: Top-linked Stairs could inherit invalid values when the Story Height was changed.
  • 238695 HOTLINK: Layer Combinations of a hotlink module file could not be appended to the host file. To enable this functionality, set the registry key HotlinkLayerCombinationEnabled to 1.
  • 232636 EDIT:Railing didn’t connect correctly on slab.
  • 228848 FILE/3DS/EXPORT/GDL: The fireplace GDL objects failed to export as 3DS files, if Rendered image was set for 3D representation method.
  • 236794 FILE/3DS/Export: Wavefront files exported from Archicad 21 lost material information.
  • 231178 FILE/BCF/IMPORT: BCF version 2.0 was not fully supported by the Markup tool: some of the data was lost or had an incorrect selection set.
  • 236926 FILE/BIMx/EXPORT: Hyperlinks did not work in schedules in BIMx if they were defined in Archicad properties.
  • 231787 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: A PMK drawing placed on a layout with a modified boundary, incorrectly exported to DWG.
  • 231699 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: A dashed polyline with Continuous or By Segment dashing method exported incorrectly to DWG.
  • 242775 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: DWG file export caused few text fields to lose the first character.
  • 239165 FILE/GSM,RFA/IMPORT: Certain objects were displayed in different ways in Archicad if they were placed using their .GSM or .RFA format.
  • 240778 FILE/IFC/EXPORT/CRASH: Archicad Some skylight geometries were incorrectly handled as part of Zone update and IFC export.
  • 237848 FILE/IFC/EXPORT/CRASH: Opening the IFC translators for export crashed Archicad under certain circumstances.
  • 232310 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: A project with a migrated v20 Stairmaker stair failed to export to IFC.
  • 236257 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Archicad crashed during IFC export, if Trace was active and Archicad windows were switched.
  • 237166 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Classification of elements that were parts of a Hotlinked Module were lost in the exported IFC file.
  • 241278 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Exported IFC files contained duplicate GUIDs.
  • 228451 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: IFC exports failed to address negative values of reveal depth of door or window.
  • 231038 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: IFCBeams, in certain cases, received an offset after import.
  • 236959 FILE/KZM/EXPORT: Archicad textures were missing in Google Earth if the texture name contained certain national language characters.
  • 236146 FILE/OPEN/CRASH: Archicad did not robustly handle optional attributes in IFC files.
  • 241751 FILE/OPEN: On the Mac platform, if a file server to external links was not available, an error dialog of the form: There was a problem connecting to the server…” was emitted. This dialog has been disabled since it caused significant delays, and duplicated information in other dialogs.
  • 236714 FILE/PDF/EXPORT: Exported Zones appeared with a blue transparent fill in Bluebeam Revu on Mac.
  • 238032 FILE/PDF/EXPORT/IMPORT: Bluebeam markups imported to Archicad had an offset.
  • 236599 FILE/SKP/EXPORT/IMPORT: Imported Sketchup models with KME library (Netherlands) had incorrect dimensions.
  • 235497 FILE/XLSX/EXPORT: Uniform items that were merged in Interactive Schedules were extracted into individual items when Property Values were exported from the Schedule. This led to large sheets of data that were difficult to work with.
  • 193670 FREEZE: Archicad could freeze in the Composite Structures Dialog, if a certain Line Types in a Composite was used.
  • 233123 GDL/CRASH: Archicad crashed when stair starts with tread, has a vertical run-start connection and walking line offset is on.
  • 231870 GDL/DOCUMENT: The preview pictures of custom GDL Elements didn’t appear in schedules if they were password protected.
  • 237380 GDL: The APPLICATION_QUERY command returned no value when used with Stairs and Railings.
  • 234303 GDL: The process of removing an Embedded Library could take over an hour.
  • 241375 GOOGLE EARTH: Archicad was unable to connect to Google Earth on OS X.
  • 232714 GRASSHOPPER: Archicad incorrectly exported Elevation information to Rhino-Grashopper
  • 240889 HOTLINK/CRASH: Archicad crashed when placing a hotlink into a file that contained corrupted stairs.
  • 238618 HOTLINK: Due to changes in file handling under macOS 10.13 it was not possible to Hotlink a file that was open by a different user.
  • 239421 HOTLINK: Elements were lost in copies of hotlinks created with drag a copy.
  • 238695 HOTLINK: Layer Combinations of a hotlink module file could not be appended to the host file. To enable this functionality, set the registry key HotlinkLayerCombinationEnabled to 1.
  • 235794 LICENSING: Archicad on computers with Apple Fusion Drive frequently after a reboot requested the user accept again the End User License Agreement (EULA).
  • 239392 MODEL: An ellipse transformed to a circle when arrows were added.
  • 232314 MODEL: Custom railing panels and posts were rotated by 90 degrees when placed with the Railing tool.
  • 205709 MODEL: Custom Symbol Fills made of circles did not appear properly.
  • 237138 MODEL: Doors and Windows did not snap to Wall intersections.
  • 236789 MODEL: End plate of stairs had huge offset after reopening the plan.
  • 238997 MODEL: Grasshopper elements classified as ‘closed planar curves’ connected to Archicad components could crash Rhino as part of the process of sending to Archicad.
  • 237042 MODEL: If the “use break mark settings of associated stairs” option was disabled the railing could display incorrectly.
  • 237106 MODEL: If the riser gap of the stair was set to 0, there still was a small gap between the riser and the structure.
  • 238062 MODEL: It was not possible to abort the 3D generation: ‘Click to abort’ button had no effect.
  • 237067 MODEL: Model View Options of Stairs had an effect on Model View Options of Openings.
  • 239012 MODEL: Modifications to a stair with “Winder with equal angles/goings” turning type often resulted in its dimensions being lost.
  • 235823 MODEL: Morph editing in section created an invalid offset.
  • 223433 MODEL: Saved Zoom could be missing from the View Settings.
  • 198622 MODEL: Surface painter overrode all surfaces even if only one surface was selected to be overridden.
  • 236499 MODEL: The elements the railing tool created ignored the cut line and were shown on layout even when they should not have.
  • 236390 MODEL: The horizontal drag in Section/Elevation of a Door/Window with manual input gave unexpected results.
  • 238252 MODEL: The same Stair saved as a Favorite could be different depending on from where it was saved.
  • 239006 MODEL: Undo failed with stair baseline edits.
  • 235758 MODEL: Zones were not processed correctly with certain cutting operations that led to visibilities issues in the perspective view.
  • 236706 MODEL: When the inner posts of a railing were removed, the railing panels lost their assigned orientation.
  • 238083 RAILING/CRASH: Archicad crashed when placing Railing on a Stair if the hotlinked modul contained embedded library.
  • 247437 SPEED: Archicad was becoming slower and slower the more detail/documentation was produced.
  • 227943 STAIR/CRASH: Archicad could crash if a Stair started with a Landing and the first Stair flight started with a Tread instead of a Riser.
  • 236932 STAIR/CRASH: Archicad crashed during Background updating because of a bug in the Landing-Run connections when the landing was monolithic and the run was a straight beam support structure.
  • 240232 STAIR/FAVORITES: 2D previews of the stair favorites were missing in some cases.
  • 237403 STAIR/PREVIEW: The 3D preview of the tread and riser settings froze for certain localizations.
  • 236526 STAIR: Associative railings with offset had missing geometry and long segments.
  • 231069 STAIR: Handrail left side selection was not saved without a horizontal offset value.
  • 241846 TEAMWORK/BIM Server/BIMcloud: Occasionally a BIMcloud Server became non-functional on a macOS host with an empty string as its hostname.
  • 243313 TEAMWORK/CRASH: In certain teamwork projects, regular crashes could be experienced when opening/joining the teamwork project containing faulty railing.
  • 236312 TEAMWORK/CRASH: Library synchronization with stairs elements was not handled robustly.
  • 243512 TEAMWORK/DOCUMENT: Dimensions changed to Custom were not correctly displayed on other teammateís displays.
  • 242346 TEAMWORK/DOCUMENT: The display did not refresh after receiving modifications of the Dimension Text.
  • 232687 TEAMWORK: “Damaged project” error message could appear with the GER version Archicad client that had been updated and the BIM Server still was using the original release version.
  • 234963 TEAMWORK: A newly created detail from a new section and subsequently opened by a different user caused a crash.
  • 234086 TEAMWORK: A project with empty element settings in a favorite could not share.
  • 235833 TEAMWORK: A Send and Receive warning falsely claimed it was network related.
  • 239332 TEAMWORK: If an auto-saved version of a teamwork project was opened it was possible un-reserved gdl based objects, such as doors, windows or markers could break the send&receive process.
  • 243207 TEAMWORK: In case of special circumstances it was not possible to share a project and the “The project on the server has been damaged and become unusable.” error message appeared.
  • 236370 TEAMWORK: Previously deleted 3D Styles set in another user’s 3D window broke the Send & Receive process.
  • 231065 TEAMWORK: The network diagnostic gave a misleading message when some BIMcloud Servers were not compatible with the Archicad version running the test.
  • 235333 USER INTERFACE/CRASH: Archicad slowed down and could crash when Trace and Reference was switched on and the Renovation Palette was open.
  • 241473 USER INTERFACE/FREEZE: Severe lag during user interaction when Favorite Palette was open.
  • 237195 USER INTERFACE: Archicad on macOS 10.13 could perform slowly, with some operations that relied heavily on the creation of temporary folders (such as library object handling).
  • 239745 USER INTERFACE: Archicad slowed down on Windows when the computer had not restarted for a while.
  • 234757 USER INTERFACE: SiteMaker’s Opening Coordinate File dialog displayed incorrect Japanese characters.
  • 241935 USER INTERFACE: The list menu in favorites for different tools was unavailable on macOS 10.13.
  • 241816 USER INTERFACE: The localized RUS Version had a cosmetic error with a schedule dialog button.
  • 241225 USER INTERFACE: Typically on 4k monitors that were scaled up on Windows, a cursor could be offset from the model element it was referencing.

This package contains the fixes and improvements of the previous Updates as well.


The Update 6002 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 21.

  • 240314 BIMcloud/BIM Server: The critical.log was not created in some circumstances.
  • 231168 BIMcloud: It was not possible to disconnect from a BIMcloud Manager a BIMcloud Server that was not accessible.
  • 241846 TEAMWORK/BIM Server/BIMcloud: Occasionally a BIMcloud Server became non-functional on a macOS host with an empty string as its hostname.

This package contains the fixes and improvements of the previous Updates as well.

The Update 5021 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 21.

New Features

Archicad Construction Grid Login

PDF Reviewer Tool connection (e.g. Adobe Acrobat, Bluebeam etc.)
With this solution, we provide a complete, bi-directional workflow between Archicad and any standard PDF reviewer tool, such as Adobe Acrobat or Bluebeam. The solution improves communication and collaboration among architects, engineers and other project stakeholders during PDF-based project management. Bi-directional means that all the markups created in the PDF editor can be imported back to Archicad, where they are transformed into Markup entries which appear in the correct location, helping the user to understand and solve the issue.

Link Rhino (.3dm)
We have further improved collaboration between Archicad and Rhinoceros – a popular free-form modeling tool – by adding new import options. The user can link Rhino source files (.3dm) into Archicad, and update, relink etc. in the usual way, similarly to the Link IFC feature introduced in Archicad 21.
Also, Rhino files can be imported into Archicad as an Object, so the new command directly imports Rhino models into Archicad’s Embedded Library as a GDL Object. This command replaces the “Rhino-GDL Converter” add-on, released for Archicad 18, 19 and 20.

Bluebeam Reviewer Tool connection (add-on product, part of US only)
This is an additional palette for the general PDF Reviewer Tool connection which contains the most important commands for bi-directional workflow between Archicad and Bluebeam only.


  • 232940 BIM Server: BIM Server activation failed due to a connection error.
  • 235201 BIMcloud/BIM Server: Black screen occurred for an indeterminate time after restart or shutdown command on macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
  • 234626 BIMcloud: While copying elements within the same project a user who had not been granted rights to create attributes was confronted with a dialog that falsely indicated some copied elements might refer to “MISSING” attributes.
  • 228927 BIMcloud: Manager incorrectly displayed “not set” for a default host server.
  • 229932 CRASH: In certain cases, Archicad crashed when a user opened a project and tried to move something.
  • 232799 CRASH: Certain default settings of the Railing Tool’s Ends made it impossible to place the Railing and caused a crash.
  • 231023 CRASH: In certain cases, the SwissTools Add-on caused Archicad to crash.
  • 230091 DOCUMENT/IES: The Interactive Schedule format of feet & fractional inch values was incorrect.
  • 192062 DOCUMENT: Bitmap objects did not align to the camera in perspective view.
  • 235305 DOCUMENT: Custom Drawing Titles could end up displaying the names of all drawings placed on the layout when published.
  • 233786 DOCUMENT: Interactive Schedule add-on terminated with criteria that used the “Allow Multiple Choices” parameter.
  • 233090 DOCUMENT: It was not possible to edit the integer type custom properties in Interactive Element Schedule.
  • 202366 DOCUMENT: Sections, Elevations and other Views could appear on the layout with a rotation.
  • 220598 DOCUMENT: Several Skins of Composite Structure were merged into one Skin in 2D Plan Preview of Schedules.
  • 234561 DOCUMENT: Some drawings’ status reverted back to “Needs checking” after updating them.
  • 231510 DOCUMENT: The overridden color of the floor plan view of a stair was displayed wrong on layout.
  • 232709 DOCUMENT: The position of the Dimension Text Anchor could not be changed from the pop-up menu.
  • 231954 DOCUMENT: Using undo command after Layout creation led to Archicad crashing upon opening the Change Manager.
  • 232096 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad could crash at Layout update because of an incorrect Railing.
  • 232815 EDIT/CRASH: Archicad crashed if a schedule listed a stair which had a missing stringer profile.
  • 233682 EDIT/CRASH: Archicad crashed in some projects with meshes when sea level data was changed in the Project Info dialog.
  • 232818 EDIT/CRASH: Archicad crashed when editing a Curtain Wall with missing Panel Building Material.
  • 233845 EDIT/FREEZE: During property transfer using syringe/pipette Archicad became unresponsive, if the find and select dialog was open.
  • 234904 EDIT/RAILING: If a railing was placed with a special method Archicad could crash.
  • 234914 EDIT/STAIR/CRASH: Archicad crashed with stairs that had their boundary edited in the 3d window.
  • 231834 EDIT/STAIR: Moving stair with Marquee stretch was not achievable.
  • 222627 EDIT/STAIR: Stairs in Story View had incorrect contour lines.
  • 231243 EDIT: Adjust command did not work to extend a polyline.
  • 232759 EDIT: Classifications and properties of elements could go missing in certain files when they were opened in Archicad 21.
  • 231213 EDIT: Grid System didn’t recognize Russian characters, instead it showed “?” on windows or an empty box on Mac.
  • 232967 EDIT: Guideline grips were not available when Renovation Pallet was open, also Renovation Pallet was flickering from time to time.
  • 235557 EDIT: If Graphic Override Rule contained Composite as criteria, the previously selected value went missing.
  • 231695 EDIT: Graphical Overrides did not robustly work together with the Renovation filter. During drawing update Renovation filter labeled New elements could be confused with Existing elements.
  • 232003 EDIT: Stair stringer or beam was not involved in SEO as operator element.
  • 232395 EDIT: The Special Distribute function did not evenly distribute elements along a circle. Instead it placed them all in one spot.
  • 231625 EDIT: When the Multiply command was used in 3D with Doors and Windows the resulting distance was incorrect.
  • 234545 EXPORT: It was not possible to export separate elements of the stairs using “Folder” export.
  • 234857 FILE/C4D/EXPORT: After saving a c4d file, the texture folder could go missing when the Photorendering Settings Palette was closed.
  • 166837 FILE/DXF/EXPORT: XTMIN, XTMAX values were not exported correctly to DXF.
  • 232525 FILE/DXF/IMPORT: In certain cases, DXF files could not be imported to Archicad.
  • 231828 FILE/OPEN: Open&Repair was made more robust.
  • 232791 FILE/TEMPLATE: The default font was missing in the default template file in Archicad 21 CZE on macOS.
  • 232152 FILE/TEMPLATE: The default font was missing in the default template file in Archicad 21 HUN on macOS.
  • 229701 GDL: Manual Texture mapping (eg. with TEVE commands) could fail if the Object was mirrored.
  • 234395 HIGH SIERRA: Opening the Push menu from a toolbar was crashing Archicad.
  • 232905 HIGH SIERRA: Contents of the 3D window froze when switching between 3D Styles.
  • 232873 HIGH SIERRA: Contents of the 2D window froze after turning the 2D Hardware Acceleration off.
  • 226969 HOTLINK: Elevation value in Hotlink Module Settings dialog was referring to different home story in case of placing multilevel hotlink.
  • 232412 HOTLINK: Zones coming from hotlink modules were not listed in schedules if Any Hotlink was chosen in Hotlinked Module criteria.
  • 231987 LEARNING: YouTube Channels and Online Training of different Archicad versions could not be used at the same time.
  • 229696 MODEL/CRASH: The process of converting certain material settings to the current CineRender level crashed Archicad.
  • 233437 MODEL/RAILING: Curved panels could fail to create even with 90° skewed angle.
  • 233547 MODEL/RAILING: Railings could appear in floor plans even if they were out of range.
  • 232631 MODEL/ZONE: Zone Number could display incorrectly in custom Zone Stamps.
  • 233929 MODEL: A window with masonry arch was incorrectly displayed in 2d if a beam that was part of the wall the window was placed in had been used to define the hole in the wall with an SEO.
  • 227957 MODEL: Projected 2D Floor Plan view of Doors/Windows used the wrong fill type and pens.
  • 233689 MODEL: Sections could fail to generate content if there were overlapping breakpoints in the Section Line.
  • 234571 MODEL: Sometimes certain segments of Railings were displayed with the wrong pens and line types on the floor plan.
  • 231509 MODEL: The splitting of Roofs/Slabs/Beams, which are set to show on “All Stories”, result in parts with different “Show on Stories” settings.
  • 233058 STAIR: Anytime the settings of a placed stair was opened and closed, the stair shrank with the value of the Baseline offset parameter.
  • 235430 STAIR: Magic Wand preselection didn’t work with the Stair Tool.
  • 234884 STAIR: Modifications set in the Riser Settings info box were not applied to the Riser.
  • 232766 TEAMWORK/BIMcloud: The Change Host function was not available if any listed BIMcloud Server was “Not Accessible”.
  • 231586 TEAMWORK/BIMcloud: BIMcloud User Licenses could not be released automatically if there was a CodeMeter error during the process.
  • 233389 TEAMWORK/BIMcloud: Project status stuck on ‘maintenance’ because of Mailboxes.db corruption.
  • 232318 TEAMWORK/CRASH: Changes to a teamwork project in the 3d window crashed Archicad under certain circumstances when a pop-up dialog was necessary.
  • 233312 TEAMWORK/CRASH: Project migration crashed under certain circumstances.
  • 232738 TEAMWORK/EDIT: Deleting or modifying Interior Elevations was causing a local cache corruption.
  • 233299 TEAMWORK/FREEZE: Project migration had a non-responsive period without a progress dialog that increased with the number of projects that had been prepared.
  • 228940 TEAMWORK: Now fully support TLS 1.2.
  • 234927 TEAMWORK: Archicad login with case insensitive username caused errors with TW operations.
  • 231930 VIEW/3D: In the Russian localization of Archicad the 3D Navigation mode hotkeys “W”, “A”, “S”, “D” did not work.

This package contains the fixes and improvements of the previous Updates as well.

The Update 4022 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 21.

Archicad Construction Grid Template

  • 230743 BIMcloud: Automatic email notification about available licenses was ON by default.
  • 230730 BIMcloud: In some cases the BIMcloud/BIM Server Manager was not accessible from Archicad.
  • 229994 CRASH: A large number of point cloud objects caused Archicad to crash in the 3D Window.
  • 229639 DOCUMENT: It was not possible to filter out Doors/Windows and Skylights from the Material List in Component Schedules. The material of these elements appeared as Dotted Lines in the Schedule.
  • 225619 DOCUMENT/LABEL: It was not possible get the percentage of the slope of the roof with the label tool.
  • 230110 EDIT: Door/Window Oversize changes didn’t apply on Section/Elevation Views.
  • 228570 EDIT: Drag command did not work on Views in Layout when clicking on Drawing’s subelement Fill’s hole edge/corner.
  • 229252 EDIT/FAVORITE: Applying a Door/Window Favorite did not apply its Sill Height.
  • 229250 EDIT/FAVORITE: Position and Structural Function category was not saved along with the Favorites.
  • 228038 EDIT/USER INTERFACE: Stair Favorite preview went wrong after selecting the stair symbol parameter set.
  • 229769 FILE/3DS/IMPORT: Prism panels moved away from each other, when the 2D view was not on their Home Story and their originating curves were changed in Rhino.
  • 214001 FILE/BCF/EXPORT: Exporting a BCF file with rotated orientation would result in a wrong camera position in other applications.
  • 230733 FILE/BIMx: Once a password was set for a BIMx publisher set, it could not be removed.
  • 230058 FILE/BIMx/EXPORT: BIMx Hyper-model export could take significantly longer if Categories and Properties were included as the Info Set.
  • 230465 FILE/EXCEL/EXPORT: From Schedules, decimals in superscript could export as wholes into Excel.
  • 230043 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: IfcTypes didn’t work for Pipe Segments and Cable Carrier Segments.
  • 228613 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: In certain cases some Walls were missing from the exported IFC.
  • 226620 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Some elements could go missing in the exported IFC file if they originated from an IFC file as well.
  • 229954 FILE/IFC/EXPORT/CRASH: Archicad 21 could crash when saving IFC file with wrong Type Mapping.
  • 211307 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Importing an IFC file could result in an empty Archicad project in certain cases, even though the IFC file could be displayed in other IFC viewer applications.
  • 229463 FILE/IFC/OPEN: It was not possible to open/merge a certain IFC file.
  • 228064 FILE/MODEL/CRASH: Temporary files created from Point Clouds highly decreased the free space of the hard drive, which led Archicad to crash.
  • 228760 FILE/OPEN: Missing Cadimage Add-on data could not be deleted from a project by unticking the “Keep Data” checkbox upon opening the ARHICAD file.
  • 220050 FILE/OPEN/CRASH: Archicad could crash at startup if the last used User Profile contained the IFC Manager palette opened.
  • 229701 GDL: Manual Texture mapping (eg. with TEVE commands) could fail if the Object was mirrored.
  • 228045 GOODIES: Check for Duplicates add-on identified non-duplicated Morph elements as duplicates.
  • 167412 GOODIES: Construction Simulation: If Caption object was used for the movie, it was displayed in wrong scale.
  • 214520 HOTLINK: MOD file saved and imported with “”Add displayed Elements of other Stories”” option turned on worked differently with particular elements.
  • 234107 LICENSING: SSA status was registered only for the user who started Archicad for the first time.
  • 227066 MODEL: 3D styles were not always applied when choosing them via right click from the touchpad.
  • 210355 MODEL: The Guide Line was missing when placing the first item with Routing in MEP.
  • 164862 MODEL: When opening a Detail placed on an Independent Section the Renovation Palette was not active.
  • 228712 MODEL/CRASH: If a Section/Elevation had a deleted element which was still present due to the Manual Update setting of the View, Archicad crashed once a containing Curtain Wall was edited.
  • 230256 MODEL/CRASH: In certain files, regular crashes could be experienced when opening files or when using the Marquee.
  • 228459 MODEL/FREEZE: Archicad could perform slow in case the project was open for a long time and the Cutting Plane was continuously turned on.
  • 228006 MODEL/FREEZE: Generating 3D model could not be finished, Archicad consumed all the memory if connection of model elements contained lots of polygons.
  • 228454 MODEL/REBUILD: If a View in Navigator was rebuilt, it used the currently active corresponding viewpoints scale.
  • 228030 MODEL/USER INTERFACE: Faulty background image textures caused the background image to appear in front of the Model.
  • 215006 MODEL/USER INTERFACE: On a Worksheet with Far from Origin content, display problems could occur while zooming.
  • 230732 TEAMWORK: Teamwork Errors could happen when new elements were created with copying them.
  • 212747 TEAMWORK/BIM Server/BIMcloud: Teamwork pop-up messages containing a request handled via the Teamwork Palette did not disappear, thus blocking from view of the user later messages.
  • 232118 TEAMWORK/EDIT/RAILING: Unsuccessful Teamwork operation error message appeared after deleting railings.
  • 230368 USER INTERFACE: For Ultra High Definition (4K) screens, mouse cursor appeared small inside Archicad in Windows 10 with Display Scaling enabled.