Creed 2 Subtitles Transcript

Creed II Script. Director: Steven Caple Jr. Script Synopsis: Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight against an opponent with ties to his family's past, Adonis Creed is up against the challenge of his life. Note: Multiple links are listed since (a) different versions exist and (b) many scripts posted become unavailable. Creed II (2018) Script. We got at the MGM Grand tonight, Roy. And, you know, when Adonis Creed lost to 'Pretty' Ricky Conlan, he was really a curiosity more than anything else. But that was an epic fight, and since then, he's reeled off six straight wins, and tonight attempts against Danny 'The Stuntman' Wheeler to become.

For centuries, the order of the Knights Templar

Creed 2 subtitles transcripts

have searched for the mythicalApple of Eden.

They believe it contains not only

  1. Download free subtitles for Creed II (2018) here in many foreign langauges. Under the tutelage of Rocky Balboa, newly crowned heavyweight champion Adonis Creed faces off against Viktor Drago, the son of Ivan Drago.
  2. Nov 2, 2015 @ 2:19pm. There are no mods unfortunately. And since the game is old, i don't think that will have. But you can also see a game movie with subtitles (if you are interested in the history) and continue with future acs. It's not the same, but i don't know another way.

the seeds of man's first disobedience,

but the key to the free will itself.

If they find the relic

and decode its secrets,

they will have the power to

control all freedom of thought.

Only the brotherhoodcalled the

Assassins stands in their way...


The Inquisition has finally

delivered Spain to the Templars.

Sultan Muhammad and his people

still hold out in Granada.

But if his son,

the prince, is captured,

he will surrender the

city and the Apple of Eden.

Do you, Aguilar de Nerha,

swear to honor our order

in the fight for freedom?

To defend mankind

against Templars' tyranny,

and preserve free will?

I swear.

If the Applefalls into their hands,

the Templars will destroy

everything that stands in their way.

Protest, dissent, our right

to think for ourselves.

Swear to me that you

will sacrifice your life

and lives of everyone

here to keep it from them.

Yes, Mentor.

Our lives are nothing.

The Apple is everything.

The spirit of the Eagle,

will watch over the future.

Where other men blindly

follow the truth,

remember, nothing is true.

Where other men are

limited by morality or law,

Creed 2 Subtitles Transcript


everything is permitted.

We work in the darkness

to serve the light.

We are Assassins.



Subtitle by Bambula

Baja California, Mexico 1986




Your blood is not your own, Cal.

They've found us.

Live in the shadows.

Go! Go now!




You're here to save my soul.

Something like that.


I understand it is your birthday.


The party is just getting started.

Sit down. You're making me nervous.


wash away my sin,

and I'll be clean...

Once again.

You're not much for

the Bible, are you?

Be it known that Callum Lynch

has been found guilty

of capital murder

and sentenced to die

on this day, October 21st 2016.

Does the prisoner wish

to make a final statement?

Tell my father that

I'll see him in hell.

My name is Dr. Sophia Rikkin.

At six pm yesterday evening, you

were executed and pronounced dead.

And so far, as anyone in

the worldknows or cares,

you no longer exist.

It's better you to sit.

My eyes... -What are you feeling

right now is normal and uncomfortable.


I'm here to help you.

And you're here to help me.

Let him go.

Don't touch him.

Go ahead. Do it.


You're not a prisoner here, Cal.

I'm here to protect you.

If you listen to me, everything

is going to make sense.

And you need to trust me.

Where am I?

You're in a rehabilitation wing

of AbstergoFoundation in Madrid,

a privateorganization dedicated

to the perfection of human kind.

With your help, we can pioneer

new ways to eradicate violence.

I had this.

Your fatherwants him in.

-He's my patient.

This is my program.

Prepare the Animus.

Are the blades prepared?

-Right here.

And we confirmedtheir provenance?

-They belong to Aguilar.

Creed 2 Subtitles Transcripts

We recovered them

from his burial site.

What are these?

Assume final preparations.

Our regression, Andaluca, 1492.

Record everything.

Arms ready.

What is this?

I'm sorry, Cal, this is not

the way I like to do things.

Then don't do it.

Insert epidural.

What do you want from me?

-Your past.

Listen to me carefully, Cal.

You're about to enter the Animus.

What you are about

to see, hear and feel,

are the memories of someone

who has been dead for 500 years.

Wait a minute.

You can't change what happens, Cal.

Latest version


This is an python API which allows you to get the transcripts/subtitles for a given YouTube video. It also works for automatically generated subtitles, supports translating subtitles and it does not require a headless browser, like other selenium based solutions do!

Project description

This is a python API which allows you to get the transcript/subtitles for a given YouTube video. It also works for automatically generated subtitles, supports translating subtitles and it does not require a headless browser, like other selenium based solutions do!


It is recommended to install this module by using pip:

If you want to use it from source, you'll have to install the dependencies manually:

You can either integrate this module into an existing application, or just use it via an CLI.


The easiest way to get a transcript for a given video is to execute:

This will return a list of dictionaries looking somewhat like this:

You can also add the languages param if you want to make sure the transcripts are retrieved in your desired language (it defaults to english).

It's a list of language codes in a descending priority. In this example it will first try to fetch the german transcript ('de') and then fetch the english transcript ('en') if it fails to do so. If you want to find out which languages are available first, have a look at list_transcripts()

To get transcripts for a list of video ids you can call:

languages also is optional here.

List available transcripts

If you want to list all transcripts which are available for a given video you can call:

This will return a TranscriptList object which is iterable and provides methods to filter the list of transcripts for specific languages and types, like:

By default this module always picks manually created transcripts over automatically created ones, if a transcript in the requested language is available both manually created and generated. The TranscriptList allows you to bypass this default behaviour by searching for specific transcript types:

The methods find_generated_transcript, find_manually_created_transcript, find_generated_transcript return Transcript objects. They contain metadata regarding the transcript:

and provide the method, which allows you to fetch the actual transcript data:

Translate transcript

Creed 2 Subtitles Transcriptionist

YouTube has a feature which allows you to automatically translate subtitles. This module also makes it possible to access this feature. To do so Transcript objects provide a translate() method, which returns a new translated Transcript object:

By example

Using Formatters

Formatters are meant to be an additional layer of processing of the transcript you pass it. The goal is to convert the transcript from its Python data type into a consistent string of a given 'format'. Such as a basic text (.txt) or even formats that have a defined specification such as JSON (.json), WebVTT format (.vtt), Comma-separated format (.csv), etc...

The formatters submodule provides a few basic formatters to wrap around you transcript data in cases where you might want to do something such as output a specific format then write that format to a file. Maybe to backup/store and run another script against at a later time.

We provided a few subclasses of formatters to use:

  • JSONFormatter
  • PrettyPrintFormatter
  • TextFormatter
  • WebVTTFormatter (a basic implementation)

Here is how to import from the formatters module.

Provided Formatter Example

Lets say we wanted to retrieve a transcript and write that transcript as a JSON file in the same format as the API returned it as. That would look something like this:

Passing extra keyword arguments

Since JSONFormatter leverages json.dumps() you can also forward keyword arguments into .format_transcript(transcript) such as making your file output prettier by forwarding the indent=2 keyword argument.

Custom Formatter Example

You can implement your own formatter class. Just inherit from the Formatter base class and ensure you implement the format_transcript(self, transcript, **kwargs) and format_transcripts(self, transcripts, **kwargs) methods which should ultimately return a string when called on your formatter instance.


Execute the CLI script using the video ids as parameters and the results will be printed out to the command line:

The CLI also gives you the option to provide a list of preferred languages:

You can also specify if you want to exclude automatically generated or manually created subtitles:

If you would prefer to write it into a file or pipe it into another application, you can also output the results as json using the following line:

Translating transcripts using the CLI is also possible:

If you are not sure which languages are available for a given video you can call, to list all available transcripts:

If a video's ID starts with a hyphen you'll have to mask the hyphen using to prevent the CLI from mistaking it for a argument name. For example to get the transcript for the video with the ID -abc123 run:


You can specify a https/http proxy, which will be used during the requests to YouTube:

As the proxies dict is passed on to the requests.get(...) call, it follows the format used by the requests library.

Using the CLI:


Some videos are age restricted, so this module won't be able to access those videos without some sort of authentication. To do this, you will need to have access to the desired video in a browser. Then, you will need to download that pages cookies into a text file. You can use the Chrome extension cookies.txt or the Firefox extension cookies.txt.

Once you have that, you can use it with the module to access age-restricted videos' captions like so.

Using the CLI:


Creed 2 Subtitles Transcript Download

This code uses an undocumented part of the YouTube API, which is called by the YouTube web-client. So there is no guarantee that it won't stop working tomorrow, if they change how things work. I will however do my best to make things working again as soon as possible if that happens. So if it stops working, let me know!


If this project makes you happy by reducing your development time, you can make me happy by treating me to a cup of coffee :)

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Files for youtube-transcript-api, version 0.4.1
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size youtube_transcript_api-0.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (22.8 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size youtube_transcript_api-0.4.1.tar.gz (21.9 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for youtube_transcript_api-0.4.1-py3-none-any.whl

Creed 2 Subtitles Transcription

Hashes for youtube_transcript_api-0.4.1-py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for youtube_transcript_api-0.4.1.tar.gz

Hashes for youtube_transcript_api-0.4.1.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest