Android Image For Parallels

  1. Android Image For Parallels
  2. Android Image For Parallels 2

Step 4: Double click on Download Android Free and click the Download button. Step 5: Once the download is complete, it will unarchive, register, and run Android 4 (experimental) Step 6: Shut down the Android virtual machine. Step 7: Open Parallels Settings → Hardware → CD/DVD 1 → Click the Connected box → Choose the image file saved. How to start an original Google Android image in Parallels Desktop? If I just try to create a new virtual machine from the img from Factory Images for Nexus Devices (e. For Pixel C), it tells me: „Unable to detect operating system“: And if I continue selecting Android manually, it tells me: „No boot device is available“.

This is a short guide for how to connect to Android Player in case you're using Visual Studio in Windows through Parallels. I use to do this in a way more complicated manor before I realized that it's just this simple. Looking ahead, In VS 2015, Microsofts gives us an x86/hyper-V Android emulator that looks great. But for now, this works the best.
Android Image For Parallels

Start your engines

Fire up Android Player (or any other emulator of your choice that runs Android) in OS X and get the address to the emulator. Click on the settings cog and note the IP Address.

Connect to the emulator

In Windows, open your project in Visual Studio and hit Tools -> Android -> Android Adb Command Prompt. Write adb connect [the IP address] and you should then be connected to your emulator like in the image below.

Run your project

You should now see your device in Visual Studio!

Android Image For Parallels

Android Image For Parallels


Of course, things can go wrong. The issues I've encountered are these.
Android Image For Parallels
1) I had to disable my wireless network while connected to the local wired network. Surely this is a configuration issue that I just haven't bothered with yet.

Android Image For Parallels 2

2) The emulator doesn't show up. Restart Visual Studio.
3) You have to reconnect each time your Mac goes to sleep...
4) Firewalls... Make sure port 5555 is open for TCP from Windows to OS X.