Add Ins Microsoft Word


  1. Templates And Add Ins Microsoft Word
  2. Disable Add Ins Microsoft Word
  3. Add Ins Microsoft Word Mac
  4. Add Ins Microsoft Word

Apr 05, 2018 Word Add-ins. PowerPoint Add-ins. A note on system compatibility: We tested each add-in using Office Online, the free online version of Microsoft Office, and they should at least also work in any version of Office 365. Add-Ins in Microsoft Word (Helper Files/Programs That Sometimes Cause Problem) This page last revised: 08 Jul 2021 14:20:31 -0400. People are often directed to this page because they are receiving a query about whether they want to save changes to the attached template (the normal template).

An add-in is a program that can be attached to Word to give it additional functionality.
Once an add-in has been installed its functionality is available from any document.
An add-in can be thought of as a template that is always loaded when Word is open.
Add-ins are specific to a particular application. Outlook for mac turn on inline comments. Word add-ins are specific to Word and cannot be used with any other application.
Word does not have any templates or add-ins available as standard, although the template will be available.
You can display the Templates and Add-ins dialog box by selecting (Developer Tab)(Templates group, 'Document Template').

Add Ins Microsoft Word

Word Add-in File Extension

In Word 2007 (and later) an add-in can have the file extensions ('.dotx') or ('.dotm').
In Word 2003 (or earlier) an add-in has the file extension ('.dot').
This will list all the word templates and add-ins that are currently available and any that are ticked are currently installed.

What can an Word Add-in do ?

Add-ins are used to distribute macros and provide an excellent way of increasing the power and functionality of Word.
You can include anything in an add-in that can be written in code.
Some of the most common uses are listed below:
1) Macros which you want available every time you open Word.
2) Ribbon, toolbars and the menu bar can be customised. Commands can be removed and new ones added.
3) Shortcut menus can be customised. Commands can be removed and new ones added.
4) Databases can be connected to and data can be extracted or imported.

Using Word Add-ins

There are a large number of third party Word add-ins availiable and some can be downloaded FREE from websites.
Be aware that the more add-ins you have installed, the longer Word will take to open.
It is worth displaying the 'Templates and Add-ins' dialog box and clearing the check boxes for any add-ins that you do not use or want loaded.
If Word has installed any add-ins as standard these can be found in the following location:
Microsoft 365 - C:Users'user name'AppDataRoamingMicrosoftTemplates
Word 2019 - C:Users'user name'App DataRoamingMicrosoftTemplates
Word 2016 - C:Users'user name'App DataRoamingMicrosoftTemplates
Word 2013 - C:Users'user name'App DataRoamingMicrosoftTemplates

Advantages of using an Add-in

An add-in is easier to distribute and share than a document.
Any event handling procedures cannot be bypassed by using the Shift key. This ensures that an add-in is always initialised.
An add-in is almost invisible to the user, especially if you add a command to an existing tab or drop-down menu. This may be more appropriate for inexperienced users that could get confused by having to open up additional documents.


Be aware that the more add-ins you have installed, the longer Word will take to open.
You may need to run your setup installation again if you can't find a particular add-in in your Templates and Add-ins dialog box.
The majority of add-ins will either be protected or unviewable if you try to view the project in the Visual Basic Editor.
Always make sure that the Menu Bar is reset in a template file before saving especially if your template has customised menus or toolbars of its own.

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It’s no secret that Microsoft Word is the most widely-used word processor in the business world. While this software comes jam-packed with features right out of the box, there are some extremely helpful Microsoft Word add-ins that have been created to take your writing productivity to a whole other level!

Before we dive into the Word add-ins that you should be using, let’s first go over how to install add-ins for Microsoft Word once you have clicked to install an add-in within the Microsoft Store.

How to Install Microsoft Word Add-ins

Here is a quick rundown on how to install Microsoft Word add-ins:

  1. In Microsoft Word, click Sign in at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft Account
  3. Once signed in, click Insert > My Add-ins from the top ribbon.
  4. A screen will pop up with your available add-ins. If you don’t see the add-in you added from the Microsoft Store, press Refresh to update the list.
  5. Double click the add-in to add it to your viewing pane.

Top 5 MS Word Add-Ins

Now that you know how to install an add-in, here are the top 5 Microsoft Word add-ins that every writer should use, or at least be aware of:


1. I Should Be Writing

If you’ve ever been proud of your WPM high score, then ‘I Should Be Writing‘ is the MS Word add-in for you. Sometimes, having the ability to go back and revise your work over and over again can be a detriment to the amount of money make per hour as a content writer. Not that tweaking and improving your work is a bad thing, but most writers have a tendency to over-analyze. What’s the solution? An add-in that lets you time yourself and shows you how many words you’ve written.

This add-in allows you to measure your writing and compete against your best times to improve your earnings per hour or writing. We all need goals. ‘I Should Be Writing’ allows you to measure your improvement and also is a good way to show you if the writing projects you’re currently working on are actually worth the time it takes to complete them.

Templates And Add Ins Microsoft Word

2. AP Stylebook

Gone are the days when you had to thumb through your large AP Stylebook to find that pesky rule that you have forgotten. With the help of the ‘AP Stylebook‘ add-in for Microsoft Word, you can search for those rules right within your document! Dj kool let me clear my throat instrumental mp3.

While this MS Word add-in is free to install, it does require a username and password from AP Stylebook Online in order to work. Subscriptions are $26 dollars for one year and include real-time updates as the rules change.

3. Wikipedia

Wikipedia is an excellent source for writers to use when researching subject matter. The ‘Wikipedia‘ add-in for Word makes fact/information finding a breeze without ever having to leave Word.

You can search directly in the app or you can highlight words within your document to pull up results. Adding quotations is simple as you can select the content in the task pane and click to insert it within your document.

4. Consistency Checker

All of us have used the included spell-checker in Word only to find that it missed hyphenations, spelling, etc. The ‘Consistency Checker‘ add-in gives you that extra set of eyes that you need to find those pesky mistakes that Word’s spell check leaves behind.

Disable Add Ins Microsoft Word

This MS Word web app can find possible errors with hyphenations (part time vs part-time), spelling (color vs colour). the use of numbers in sentences and more!

Add Ins Microsoft Word Mac

5. Translator

If you deal with translation within your writing, the ‘Translator‘ add-in can save you oodles of time.

This Microsoft Word add-in lets you select words or entire sentences and see translations in the language of your choice. The app even gives suggested translations in case there are syntax issues with your original structure.

Conclusion: Microsoft Word Add-ins Improve Writing

One of the best ways to make sure you are efficient as a writer is to make sure you are getting the most from your tools. As you can see, these Microsoft Word add-ins bring added functionality to your writing that can help you speed up, become more accurate, and help you create more informational and engaging content.

Did I miss any Word add-ins that you use on a daily basis? If so, let me know in the comments below. If you’re looking for help on grammar rules, check out some of our other GrammarSpot posts.

Add Ins Microsoft Word

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